Inertia Safety Limited

List of Potential Health and Safety Hazards

Below is a list of potential health and safety hazards that are common to most workplaces.  The list can be used to help you carry out a basic risk assessment for your company.

Accidents and emergencies
Building work
Confined spaces
Contractors and agency workers
Falls from height, persons or materials
Flammable and explosive substances
Gas and oil-fired equipment
Harmful substances- e.g. biological agents, chemicals, carcinogens, mutagens, lead, asbestos, substance misuse
Lone working
Manual handling
Machinery hazards, plant and equipment maintenance
Pressurised plant and equipment
Radiation - ionising and non-ionising
Slips and trips
Terrorist activity
The workplace – e.g. lighting, thermal environment, slippery uneven ground and surfaces (outdoor routes in winter), inadequate guard or handrails on stairs
Underground services and excavations
Violence to staff
Work related upper limb disorders - e.g. from the use of computers, ergonomics
Workplace transport - separation of people and vehicles

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The above information is given to you to use for free, but there is no claim that the list is complete for any industry sector and Inertia Safety Limited accepts no responsibility for the use of this list for any purpose.